
Free emergency contraceptives available to students

by Kimberly Alexsandra Madrigal

Students now have access to free Plan B One-Step pills, or emergency contraceptives, through the Women’s Resource Center and the Peer Health Education Center due to a collaboration with a group advocating for wider access to contraceptives on college campuses nationwide.

“Students don’t need to provide anything to get free Plan B or any products the WRC offers,” said Isabela Acosta from the WRC.

The WRC has a confidential google form to request their various resources including the Plan B prior to pick up. Peer Health and Check-it offers Plan B no reservation necessary or questions asked, during operating hours.

The medicine is provided by the American Society for Emergency Contraception through their project Emergency Contraceptives for Every Campus, or EC4EC. Their goal is to make emergency contraceptives accessible to all with no barriers or stigma.

The Health Center, along with the Women’s Resource Center located in Nelson Hall West room 204, Peer Health Education and Check-it offices, both located in the Recreation and Wellness Center room 127 and 122, are offering Emergency Contraceptives to students with no questions asked. As of now there is no “limit” or max a student could receive per semester. Regular use is not suggested.

“Students can receive as many Plan B’s as they want, though Plan B shouldn’t be anyone’s main form of birth control,” Acosta said.

Anyone needing more information about birth control, and any more sexual health assistance should contact the health center and peer health education for more clarification and a safe learning space.

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