
A.S to cut funding from core programs in Friday Sept. 29 meeting

Associated Students will meet Friday Sept. 29 to lower their 2023-2024 budget of 25 groups funded by A.S. including OhSnap, the cultural centers, and other student services.

For at least the past three years, A.S. spent more money than collected from student fees. This has been made possible by using funds from the A.S savings. The 2023-2024 budget was planned expecting higher enrollment and a fee increase to fix gaps in the budget.

A measure passed in spring 2023 raised A.S. fees from $58 dollars a semester to $68. A.S. expected 7,749 students to bring over $1,086,864. Only $786,000 was collected from 5,858 students this fall.

“They didn’t really create a backup plan for what would happen if there wasn’t that increase,” said A.S. President, Sam Parker. 

The A.S. proposed budget for the year was $1,278,517. This is from adding student fees and $191,653 out of the reserves. A.S is not allowed to spend more than 30% of the reserves in a single year. There is not enough money left in the reserves to fix the current budget deficit. 

A.S. Core groups provide essential student needs on campus like cultural safe spaces, alleviating food insecurity and stocking menstrual gear in the restrooms.

Isabela Acosta, Women’s Resource Center fiscal coordinator, said this budget crisis is going to limit services that they provide, events they can host, and hours that they can offer to their student staff.

“I’m trying to stock these bathrooms with products, with money that we don’t have,” said Acosta. 

There will be public comment during the Friday meeting where groups supported by A.S. can bring data about what services they provide and records of costs so that A.S. can make informed decisions about the coming budget cuts. Students who use these services can make comments about the budget as well.
The agenda for Friday’s meeting can be found here.

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