HSU offers students a free bus trip for winter break
The Homeward Bound Charter Bus Program offers round-trip transportation from Arcata directly to San Francisco or Los Angeles for Humboldt State University students.This program was originated by HSU parking and commuter services to help students get home during the holidays.
The free bus trips for winter break will leave on Dec. 18 and return on Jan. 15. The pickup location will be at the Jolly Giant Commons parking lot at 7 a.m. and the two drop-off locations will be either the San Francisco Greyhound Station or the Los Angeles Union Station. There will also be two scheduled meals and rest stops.
The link to sign up will go live on Dec. 4 at 6 p.m. and will close once capacity has been reached on a first come first serve basis. There will be a total of 112 seats available.
Students are required to wear masks and follow the same protocols for all campus activities surrounding COVID. This means that to board the bus, students will need to be vaccinated or have a weekly negative COVID test and a vaccine exemption on file.
To sign up for tickets, students can visit www.link.humboldt.edu/winter2021homewardbound.
Students can also email questions to basic-needs-website@humboldt.edu.