Film Reviews: Jordan Peele’s ‘Us’ gets some love
Immerse with ‘Us’
Peele’s latest horror movie creates endless possibilites
by Cameron Rodriguez
I loved the visual nuances within almost every shot and sequence. The use of music and its score is almost legendary. This feels like a story ripe for expansion.”
Cameron Rodrguez
From the atmospheric opening of “Us,”, to the spine-tingling closing – we are consistently reminded “to be careful.”
This film authentically builds a mythos; whether the mythos is completely sound, is up to the viewer.
I must say that it is quite refreshing to see a mainly Black cast in a horror film. Personally, it added to the tension, however, I feel like that tension kind of dissipated once the true plot was revealed.
Does the film stretch logic at times? Possibly.
Does the film require more logic than any prior horror film that has done the same? No.
Lupita Nyong’o’s performance as Adelaide and as Red, is mesmerizing as always and delivers an almost hypnotic performance.
No, seriously. Her performance in its syntax is reminiscent of Black folklore.
Winston Duke who plays Gabe and Abraham, acts as the comedy relief in needed and not-quite-required moments of the film. Actress Shahadi Wright Joseph who plays Zora and Umbrae and actor Evan Alex who plays Jason and Pluto deliver serviceable performances.
The dialogue used by each character is sometimes absurd, but towards the end – it helps ground the world that the film’s creator– Jordan Peele, was going for.
I loved the visual nuances within almost every shot and sequence. The use of music and its score is almost legendary. This feels like a story ripe for expansion.
Admittedly so, the concept of the film is not quite original but the ideas are. Like I said early on, from the beginning to the end, is where the possibilities are literally and figuratively endless.

Don’t knock it ‘Us’, until you try it
Peele continues to think outside the box
by Dajonea Robinson
Peele has continuously thought outside of the box when it comes to the horror genre and I love it. I will continue to watch any movie he produces for its creativity alone.”
Dajonea Robinson
Warning, spoilers may occur:
The movie “Us,” written and produced by Jordan Peele, is a unique entity within itself. This movie is definitely a psychological thriller and it will keep you on the edge of your seat.
It should not be compared to the movie “Get Out,” also created by Peele. It should be judged on its own as the original thought provoking masterpiece that it is.
Some audiences may have to watch it twice to fully pick up on the subtle hints and foreshadowing that are laced throughout the movie.
I won’t expose and spoil major plot points for you all, but just pay attention because the answers are in your face.
The soundtrack for this movie was impeccable and very creative. Remixing a classic,“ I got 5 On It” into something bone-chilling, was pure genius.
Often times we hear horror soundtracks flipped into catchy hits but not the opposite.
What a creepy twist.
I may have a biased view since I am a Black woman but, I wholeheartedly appreciate the positive image the Wilson family upheld, even while in crisis! They weren’t the stereotypical half-assed Black family you’d see in almost any given movie.
Honestly, this may have been the only well rounded Black family that I have personally seen in any horror or thriller movie. You know that uncanny coincidence of how most Black characters mostly die in any given movie?
Well, you’ll be surprised with this one.
Peele has continuously thought outside of the box when it comes to the horror genre and I love it. I will continue to watch any movie he produces for its creativity alone.
I am so tired of the lack of thought and originality that I’ve seen countless times in horror movies. “Us” rubs you in a way that is entirely different.
I had some questions after leaving the movie like most people. If a movie doesn’t leave you questioning things, it failed.
Often times we have expectations of what a movie should be like before we watch it. If you go in with an open mind, you won’t be disappointed with the movie.
Some people felt that “Us” was a major let down while others thought it was a masterpiece.
Ultimately the choice is yours whether or not you choose to watch it. All I can say is, don’t knock it until you try it.