As parents readily dressed their kids in their desired superheroes, princesses and make believe characters, corgi owners in Humboldt dressed their children as well. This past weekend on Oct. 27 at 2 pm the annual Corgi Costume Parade took place in Old Town Eureka meeting at the gazebo.
For half an hour the corgis awaited the arrival of more of their four-legged comrades to meet and greet them. Other Eureka patrons were with their kids trick-or-treating in the city and stopping every so often to take photos of this paw-looza.
After getting these pals settled to take a group photo, the troupe took a stroll around Old Town to show off their costumes, some handmade.
Strutting her stuff into first place as best costume, Ms. Daisy. 10 year old tri-colored corgi was accompanied not only by her owners but by a red wagon too that carts her around when she gets tired. Photo by Cassaundra CaudilloMost group photos are a process in themselves, but a group photo of corgis who are meeting for the first time is another challenge in itself. From left to right; Daisy, Alfie, Archie, Watson, Mary, Princess Buttercup and Nova. Photo by Cassaundra CaudilloReady to chop your winter lumber and attack you with kisses, Alfie. This 8 month old stole the show by saying hello to every single passerby and new corgi friend. Photo by Cassaundra CaudilloCapturing the moment when the dogs met each other. Many of them had met for the first time and it was their first time participating in the parade. Photo by Cassaundra CaudilloIngeniously dressed as a pup-uccino, Princess Buttercup. This gal is on the older side but one could never tell with how much energy she packs in her small body. Her owner and the founder of the Humboldt County Corgi Club, Veronica Schneekluth, was dressed as a matching barista. Photo by Cassaundra CaudilloAlthough ladybugs don’t turn into butterflies, Mary sure did turn into a social butterfly when meeting all of the other corgis. This 2 year old was a bit shy when first meeting the others but surely warmed up to them eventually. Photo by Cassaundra Caudillo